Part of the Obama stimulus package involves several billions of dollars dedicated to HSR, otherwise known as High Speed Rail, which travels more than 110 mph.
While that would be a wonderful improvement, the rest of the world may soon be advancing even beyond their rail wheel HSR reality.There's something new in the works.
It's called MagLev...meaning Magnetic Levitation...and prototypes have already been built in Europe and Japan. It's a train that floats on a magnetic field, and can go nearly as fast as a jet airplane.
Why not look into MagLev as a viable HSR option? It's at least THREE TIMES as fast as current HSR operating in Japan and Europe, and would help unclog our highways and airports.
Plus, there's no moving parts on the train...IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ENGINE. The propulsion system is all in the track and its electronics. The magnetic field in the track essentially "pulls" the train along the track.
That being said, it's more energy efficient, with zero emissions. It has less impact on the landscape, and can work with current transportation corridors, such as our freeway system, to get through the more remote mountain passes, etc...not to mention the opportunity we have that our Japanese and European bretheren don't.
We can start fresh and build it from the ground up, and it will give us a viable transportation option for generations to come...AND, in terms of the trains themselves, the maintenance costs are totally at a minimum, as there are no moving parts...and isn't that something all Americans love? MINIMUM MAINTENANCE COSTS? Helloooooo, politicians!!!
So, IMO the ends justify the means.
If we're REALLY going to go green, why not bypass the rail wheel phase and simply jump into the wave of the future? Then we could really lead the pack and set a new standard.
Here's a video that explains what the MagLev train is all about.
Over the course of the last couple of years, following a mini-reunion in 2007, I've had conversations with several classmates from my middle school days (it was called junior high back then)...and since my last day of junior high occurred 25 years ago this month, this is as appropriate a time as any to reflect.
When these conversations occur, many stories bubble to the surface...updates on how other former classmates are doing...running into so-and-so recently, and what they're up to...musings on this and that...reflection on those times 25 years after the fact.
In these conversations, old teachers are brought up too. The good...the bad...and the ugly. After 25 years of retrospect, as adults many of us have established a hierarchy in our minds of where the good ones fit in, and we understand why they were good. Their influences are appreciated and in many cases set an example for us to this day.
In most cases the bad, "not so good," or "challenged" teachers are given the benefit of the's easy to see, in all fairness, that either they weren't cut out for teaching, and while they may have done some things that they'd get fired for these days, they meant well and were performing to the best of their ability.
Some had bad tempers. For example, there was the one home room teacher who would snap on students and pick them up in their desks...and turn them upside down to dump the student onto the floor...or throw the student across the room in their desk. Sounds harsh? It was...and I even had the privilege of being dumped out of my desk once...but I realize I was probably being difficult, and hold no grudge whatsoever against this teacher. When this man was level-headed, he was reasonable...and fair...and didn't pick favorites...or if he did, he didn't make it obvious.
Then, in these conversations, all roads of discussion seem to lead to a particular P.E. teacher, who we'll refer to as Mr. B. This is where things get REALLY interesting.
Even 25 years after the fact, this teacher represents a point of differing opinions amongst former classmates, and the reason is very simple. Mr. B, who had power and influence over boys and girls in their most critical years of development, played favorites...BIG TIME...and not only did he play favorites, but he bullied those who weren't athletic, focused on using their intellect rather than their brawn, or ~ as I witnessed on occasion ~ called him on his shit.
Mr. B tried to propel his small-time career as a P.E. teacher and coach on the backs of student athletes, and in the process broke the fragile confidence of countless others. He dialed into, and gave only a damn, about the students who could serve his agenda. Everyone else was simply in his way, and you had better stay clear.
God help you if you had no athletic skill...because there was ZERO tolerance if you lacked such abilities. If you tried to stay low and blend in, he'd still find you and expose your weakness. In my case, I was athletic but not at "jock" status (there were several incredible athletes at the school who peaked early), so I was able to blend in the middle somewhere.
Even so, Mr. B still decided that I didn't fit into his larger agenda, and let me know about it...but I knew that anyway, and after some time (and conversation with my folks) decided that I really didn't care what the guy thought, and understood the coward that he was. What's so fascinating about this is that I don't recall doing anything to bring attention to myself with respect to this guy...I pretty much read early on that he was shady, and steered clear. However P.E. in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grade junior high system at the time was mandatory, so sooner or later your path was going to cross with an undesirable teacher such as this guy.
My situation has nothing to do with this this case, I'm simply an observer. I wasn't really affected...but other boys got it far, far worse than me. to represent an environmental chronicle of sorts --- an ongoing report card on the status of our national and planet-wide ecology --- and discussion of what our political landscape brings to bear on it. Together we can help affect change!!!
I might occasionally noodle into other topics that keep me amused, such as music and a little sports commentary, just to mix things up a bit.
Be sure to keep visiting the p-patch to see what kind of new shtick is growing. The best garden parties are here! ...FYI it's pronounced "pee-patch" (not trying to encourage indecent exposure in the garden either, so keep your pants zipped please)
A polar bear's plea...
"Hey human dummies! When you screw me out of my homeland, you screw yourself!" Wow! I didn't know a polar bear could talk --- but I hear what he's saying --- do you?
It's so darn oooooooold around here!!! Where's Rip Van Winkle?
Majestic Old Growth in Washington State mystifies the senses.
The "superintendents of the desert" silently rule in God's country...
...the mighty saguaros reach for the heavens - and echo the timeless heritage of Arizona.
Ahhh, it's the spidery Ocotillo cactus... favorite desert plant... another survivor, and its floral blooms in springtime are amazing... uh, I hope the biker doesn't wipe out. That would hurt.
An Arizona Cardinal taking advantage of some leisure time (when it's not getting checked midfield by an angry Seahawk). Is Zorn in the room?
The Oregon Coast
Some of the most amazing views and rugged coastline on the planet. Proves that Mother Nature is the greatest artist - hands down.
another "lunatic fringe frightener," a p-patch scarecrow.
I've gotta get me one of these! This garden party probably rocks, and it looks like a bit of a freak show, like something left over from a Sun Ra concert. My kind of folk.
Hints on how to behave in the p-patch - a loose "civility policy" if you will...
Say what you mean, and mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it. If you're one of those p-patch bullies, then we'll turn the hose on you.
This site is intended for constructive dialogue and expression of views - let's keep it that way and have some fun!
Personal attacks are totally unnecessary, and those doing so in the garden may trip over a sprinkler hose, step on a rake, or even get a shovel thrown at them (but hey, I didn't do it).
SWEVA'S P-PATCH is a blog. If you're new to this sort of forum, I'd advise you to read some postings and walk around the garden a bit before posting any comments. That way you'll have more fun at the garden party!
so Sweva, I still don't get it. What in the heck's a "p-patch?"
A p-patch is a small community garden. The ones I'm familiar with are in Seattle, and from what I can tell managed in a coordinated effort between the city and residents since they legally belong to the public. The city actually has a job dedicated specifically to the p-patch program, "Community Garden Liaison." While they may be on private property, they are sanctioned and protected through easements and cannot be wrecked by a said property owner - even if they're blocking street access from garages. Many of the p-patches are nearly microscopic in size and tucked into odd little corners around town. I'll try to find a link that has more insights and see how the program got started.